Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Starting a Ranking Campaign for my 60k store

Starting a Ranking Campaign for my 60k store

There are a million items that I need to do on my website to get it to produce a 60k a year income for me. In reality, I expect to bring in more than 60k, but that is my first benchmark. These are the things I have already done:

  1.  Products Listed
  2.  A supplier chosen 
  3.  My Categories with descriptions. (about 70% of them) 
  4.  Some unique verbiage on my descriptions (HealthyExercize.com Presents Brand Name, Product Name
  5.  Social accounts set up:   

  •         Google+ (Nearly 500 followers) 
  •         Twitter (over 2,000 followers) 
  •         Pinterest 3.5k followers 29 boards, 1.8k pins and 18 likes. 
  •         Instagram 5657 followers, 224 posts
  •         Facebook 1 follower, 3 posts. 
  •         YouTube account with 2 videos, 2 followers. 
  • There are a bunch more accounts that I need to develop and set up such as Tumblr, StumbleUpon, EZine articles, and more. 
      6.  I have written about 10 articles/blog articles written for content.

All of these things can be improved upon. I will need to continue writing and optimizing my pages. I will need to increase my product listings and fill out my descriptions. I will need to continue to grow my social media followings, add more news articles, and more blog articles.

The next step that I've decided to do is a ranking campaign. I looked at my products and chose one of my most profitable products, a weightlifting home gym.

Next, I checked out Google Adwords- Keyword Planner. I looked up a lot of words related to the Home Gym and found that bodybuilder is a high search term with low competition. So I named my products Bodybuilding Brand  Home Gym. I'm going to focus on that term. My goal is to rank in the top 5 of google results for that term. If I can sell 4-5 of the home gyms a month, I will earn my 5k a month in income. This is a fast path to income.

So I fleshed out a ranking campaign plan. This is sure to change as I go through my actual ranking campaign, but here's what I have so far:

Ranking Campaign Plan

  1. What product are your trying to sell?
    1. Home Gyms 1k Profit= 5/ month = 60k a year 
  2. What Keywords, Long-tail, are you going to do the campaign for? 
    1. Bodybuilding Home Gym 
  3. Optimize the products and the Category Page 
    1. Create a category page
    2. Create a video for page and a description 
  4. Write a blog article
    1. tweet it out 10 times 
    2. google+ once
    3. Facebook 
    4. SumbleUpon 
    5. Tumblr
    6. Reddit 
  5. Create a video for that phrase and other follow up videos. Share on Social Media
  6. Write a HubPages article
  7. Find an Inspirational Quote around bodybuilding and post it in Instagram and Pinterest. Have available for free download during campaign. 
  8. 30 external links to the category of "Bodybuilding Home Gym" 
  9. News Release about the topic
  10. Add to Quora/Reddit (home gym vs gym membership) Huff Post? 

Ranking Campaign Checklist

  • Create a Category for the Keyword phrase
  • Product Category add "bodybuilder" to homegym products and in the descriptions 
  • Add to Metadata, Meta Keywords, Product Descriptions, Page Title 
  • YouTube videos for the Category and individual products 
  • Write 5 blog articles around the subject 
    • why home gyms are better
    • bodybuilding news
  • Write a news article
  • Write a HubSpot article
  • Inspirational Quote and image on blog. 
  • Other things as I come up with them. . . 

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