Starting a Ranking Campaign for my 60k store
There are a million items that I need to do on my website to get it to produce a 60k a year income for me. In reality, I expect to bring in more than 60k, but that is my first benchmark. These are the things I have already done:- Products Listed
- A supplier chosen
- My Categories with descriptions. (about 70% of them)
- Some unique verbiage on my descriptions ( Presents Brand Name, Product Name)
- Social accounts set up:
- Google+ (Nearly 500 followers)
- Twitter (over 2,000 followers)
- Pinterest 3.5k followers 29 boards, 1.8k pins and 18 likes.
- Instagram 5657 followers, 224 posts
- Facebook 1 follower, 3 posts.
- YouTube account with 2 videos, 2 followers.
- There are a bunch more accounts that I need to develop and set up such as Tumblr, StumbleUpon, EZine articles, and more.
All of these things can be improved upon. I will need to continue writing and optimizing my pages. I will need to increase my product listings and fill out my descriptions. I will need to continue to grow my social media followings, add more news articles, and more blog articles.
The next step that I've decided to do is a ranking campaign. I looked at my products and chose one of my most profitable products, a weightlifting home gym.
Next, I checked out Google Adwords- Keyword Planner. I looked up a lot of words related to the Home Gym and found that bodybuilder is a high search term with low competition. So I named my products Bodybuilding Brand Home Gym. I'm going to focus on that term. My goal is to rank in the top 5 of google results for that term. If I can sell 4-5 of the home gyms a month, I will earn my 5k a month in income. This is a fast path to income.
So I fleshed out a ranking campaign plan. This is sure to change as I go through my actual ranking campaign, but here's what I have so far:
Ranking Campaign Plan
- What product are your trying to sell?
- Home Gyms 1k Profit= 5/ month = 60k a year
- What Keywords, Long-tail, are you going to do the campaign for?
- Bodybuilding Home Gym
- Optimize the products and the Category Page
- Create a category page
- Create a video for page and a description
- Write a blog article
- tweet it out 10 times
- google+ once
- SumbleUpon
- Tumblr
- Create a video for that phrase and other follow up videos. Share on Social Media
- Write a HubPages article
- Find an Inspirational Quote around bodybuilding and post it in Instagram and Pinterest. Have available for free download during campaign.
- 30 external links to the category of "Bodybuilding Home Gym"
- News Release about the topic
- Add to Quora/Reddit (home gym vs gym membership) Huff Post?
Ranking Campaign Checklist
- Create a Category for the Keyword phrase
- Product Category add "bodybuilder" to homegym products and in the descriptions
- Add to Metadata, Meta Keywords, Product Descriptions, Page Title
- YouTube videos for the Category and individual products
- Write 5 blog articles around the subject
- why home gyms are better
- bodybuilding news
- Write a news article
- Write a HubSpot article
- Inspirational Quote and image on blog.
- Other things as I come up with them. . .